Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

U Smile Lyrics - Justin Bieber

I’d wait on you forever and a day
Hand and foot
Your world is my world
Ain’t no way you’re ever gon’ get
Any less than you should
Cause baby
You smile I smile (oh)
Cause whenever
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
Your lips, my biggest weakness
Shouldn’t have let you know
I’m always gonna do what they say (hey)
If you need me
I’ll come running
From a thousand miles away
When you smile I smile (oh whoa)
You smile I smile
Baby take my open heart and all it offers
Cause this is as unconditional as it’ll ever get
You ain’t seen nothing yet
I won’t ever hesitate to give you more
Cause baby (hey)
You smile I smile (whoa)
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile
I smile I smile I smile
You smile I smile
Make me smile baby
Baby you won’t ever work for nothing
You are my ins and my means now
With you there’s no in between
I’m all in
Cause my cards are on the table
And I’m willing and I’m able
But I fold to your wish
Cause it’s my command
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile (whoa)
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile
I smile I smile I smile
You smile I smile
You smile I smile
You smile I smile

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


Chapter 1 :
Belajar Kelopok atau.. Nge-Date!!
(part 1)

Masih harus berjalan beberapa langkah lagi menuju area sekolah gue. Ini adalh daily activity gue. Oh,iya. Kenalin gue Chantika. Lengkapnya Chantika Kirana. Ini adalah suatu pengalaman gue mencari ' MY TRUE LOVE'.. Hmm,ada ga ea??

Ketika memasuki kelas,gue melihat seorang cwo dtempat duduk yg sering gue duduki. Diantara tmen2 gue yg menebarkan senyum manis kpada gue,ni orang paling maniiis banget senyumany. Ngeliat mukany,gue jadi ingat kata Chika,salah satu tmen akrab gue disekolah..
"iy Chantika,sayang! Dy itu pura2 ngajak elo belajar kelompok sma dy karna dy pngen lbh dkat ama kamu. Ya,mungkin dy pngen kmu jd orang spesialny," kata Chika heboh ketika gue menanyakan prtanyaan2 soal cwo itu. Emangsih, dy udah nunjukin banget kalo dy itu sayang banget ama gue.. Tapi, kenapa gue ga bisa nerima dia y?
Aduh,jadi bingung deh.. "met pagi,Chantika!" tiba2 ada seseorang yg menyapaku dgn ceria. Ternyata dy adlh seseorg yg selalu membingungkanku dan sekarang udah disampingku.
"met pagi juga,Radit!" jawabku dgn sedikit gu2p.
"ntar pulang sekolah,jadi 'kan!" seru Radit mengingatkan. Aduh,ni orang pake ngingetin segala lagi. Ya,putus deh harapan! Tadi malam gue udah berharap banget supaya Radit jadi lupa. Uh! Tiada harapan!
"eng......." jawabku pura2 brpikir.
"emang kamu ga bisa y? Atau lagi sibuk?"
"ah,..gak kok. Gue bisa. Lagian gue gak sibuk2 amat"
"oke deh! Nanti aku tunggu kamu digerbang sekolah. Kita pulang sama2. Jangan sampe telat y!" lanjut Radit sambil beranjak pergi dari kursi kesayanganku.
"oke,nanti aku kesana deh!" seruku sedikit berteriak. Ntah teriakanku didengar oleh Radit atau tidak. Ya ampuun! Gmna nie..? Radit pake acra nungguin gue . Padahalkan, gue males bngt belajar kelompok ama dy..
"met pagi,Chantika!" tiba2 seseorg berseru sambil menepuk bahuku.
"ah,elo Cherry! Bkin gue kaget aja," kataku pd seseorg yg tdk lain adlah Cherry,salah satu sahabatku.
"met pagi,Chantika!" tiba2 seseorg berseru sambil menepuk bahuku.
"ah,elo Cherry! Bkin gue kaget aja," kataku pd seseorg yg tdk lain adlah Cherry,salah satu sahabatku.
"iya nih,Chantika. Pagi2 gini uda ngelamun. Ntar kesambet lho? Atau jgn2 elo diajakin nge-date ama Radit,ya!" seru Cha-cha.
"ah,gak kok. Gue gak ngelamun. Lagian, Radit belum ngajak gue nge-date kok," jawabku menanggapi mereka.
"jadi loe berhrap Radit akan nembak elo,gitu?"tanya Cherry sinis.
"ih,kalian serius bngt sih. Ya enggaklah. Dy itu bukan tipe gue bngt," jawabku.
"iya,deh! Tapi kalo lama2 loe juga bisa suka ama Radit gmna?"
"ya,gak mungkinlah! Gak ada orang lain ap selain dy.."
"hmm.. Tapi,.. Gue curiga dkit ama Radit," kata Chika lagi.
"emang elo curiga soal ap?" tnyaku.
"menurut penelitian yg uda gue teliti (ceilah,penelitian bo!),menurut gue, Radit tu mungkin nyari cara untuk dket ama elo. N salah satu caranya y,belajar kelompok itu," jawab Chika sambil pasang pose berpikir.
"iy,menurut gue juga kyk gitu," sambung Cherry.
"iy,bner bngt tu kata Chika," sambung Cha-cha.
"hmmp,y deh. Nanti gue cari informasiny.Lagian, gue ga ada perasaan kok sama Radit. Gue kan belajar kelompok ama dy karna nyokabny. Kalo ga krna nyokabny,ngapaen gue harus sibuk2. Lagian,perasaan gue ama Radit cuma sebagai teman aja kok. Ga lebih dari itu," jawabku.
"ya,terserah elo deh. Nnt kita lanjutin,cuz pa' Tomi dh muncul tu," lanjut Chika sambil beranjak pergi.
"oke deh..."

To Be Continue..

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Cody Simpson - Summertime [Official Video]

Cody Simpson - 'iYiYi' ft. Flo Rida [Official Video]

SM*SH - I Heart You (official video)

SM*SH - I Heart You (official video)

SM*SH - I HEART YOU | Corner Parodies Ver.

Justin Bieber "U Smile" (Official Music Video) SPOOF - Masks

Justin Bieber - "Pray" Official Music Video SPOOF (Inception)

Westlife - If I Let You Go Lyrics

Westlife - If I Let You Go Lyrics

Day after day time pass away
N' I just can't get you off my mind
Nobody knows I hide it inside
I keep on searching but I can't find
The courage to show to letting you know
I've never felt so much love before

* And once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out

** But if I let you go I will never know
What my life would be holding you close to me
Will I ever see you smiling back at me (oh yeah)
How will I know if I let you go

Night after night I hear myself say
Why can't this feeling just fade away
There's no one like you (no one like you)
You speak to my heart (speak to my heart)
Its such a shame we're worlds apart
I'm too shy to ask I'm too proud to lose
But sooner or later I gotta choose

[Repeat * , **]

If I let you go (ooh baby)

Once again i'm think about
Taking the easy way out

[Repeat **]

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Profile M. Ilham Fauzi SM*SH (Full)

Nama Lengkap: M. ILHAM FAUZI
Born: 29 August 1995, Kendari, South East Sulawesi
Zodiac : Virgo
Favourite Singer : Gita Gutawa, Hayley Nichole Williams
Education : SMAN 1, Bandung
Favourite Song : That’s What You Get – Paramore
Favourite Food : French Fries khas SMAN1 and chicken katsu
Impian Sukses : Ingin jadi anak sholeh untuk orang tua dan bisa terkenal, ingin buat video klip dengan Hayley Nichole Williams
First On Stage Kid’s Choice Award Nickelodeon
Tidak disukai Menunggu
Twitter Account: @ilhamfauzie

Profile Dicky M. Prasetya SM*SH (Full)

Profile Dicky M. Prasetya SM*SH (Full)

Lahir: 18 June 1993, Bandung
Zodiac : Gemini
Favourite Singer : Stevie Wonder
Education : SMA BPI 1, Bandung
Favourite Song : All 2NE1′s song and Lady Gaga
Impian Sukses: Ingin dikenal dan diterima masyarakat
First On Stage: Pentas Budaya TMII
Tidak Suka : Dibohongi
Favourite Food : Jajanan yang pedas
Favourite Actress : Rihanna
Twitter Account: @dickymprasetyo
Friendster Account: 
Profile M. Reza Anugrah SM*SH (Full)

Nama : M. Reza Anugrah
Lahir: 21 March 1994, Kendari, South East Sulawesi
Zodiac : Aries
Penyanyi Favorit : Ne Yo
Education : SMAN 6, Bandung
Lagu Favorit: Nothin on You, Keith Martin
Makanan Favorit : Siomay
Aktris Favorit : Sandara 2NE1, Katy Perry, Agnes Monica
Impian Sukses : Maju sampai go internasioanl dengan SMASH dan bisa bawa orang tua naik haji.
First On Stage : Kid’s Choice Award Nickelodeon
Tidak disukai : Diselingkuhi
Kartun Favorit : One Piece
Facebook Fans Page: M. Reza Anugrah Fans Page
Twitter Account : @mrezanugrah

Profile Bisma Karisma “SM*SH”

Profile Bisma Karisma “SM*SH” (Full)

  1. Nama Lengkap :Bisma Karisma
  2. Born : 27 November 1990 Bandung
  3.  Zodiac : Sagitarius
  4. Favourite Singer : Jason Mraz, Chris Brown, Hyun Ah
  5.  Favourite Song : All Song
  6.  Favourite Food : Cuankie, pecel, ice chocolate, teh manis
  7.  Favourite Actress : Poppy Sovia, Zoey Deschane
  8. Impian sukses: Jadi musisi dan sutradara
  9. 1st on stage: Puma Ground Zero
  10. Favourite female artist: Poppy Zovia, Zoev Deschane
  11. Tidak disukai: kedinginan, debu, dibohongi dan basa basi
  12. Facebook Fans Page:
  13. Facebook Account :
  14. Twitter Account :
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